Know These Disadvantages of VPN’s Before Using Them

Know These Disadvantages of VPN’s Before Using Them

Before Knowing the disadvantages of VPN’s, Lets dive in together to know what actually a VPN is? What is VPN? VPN is a acronym for Virtual Private Network. It is a client-server Technology that connects your smartphone, computer or laptop or tablet(called client) to another computer(called server) securely using “tunnel like” connection over Internet and…

How to Use Tinder Without Facebook?

How to Use Tinder Without Facebook?

(Literally a cakewalk!) With growing craze for western culture, using tinder is inevitable. Though it is like using facebook for extroverts, introverts on the other hand find it like ‘boiling the ocean’. The main problem they face is that they don’t want their family members , relatives or their friends to know about their personal…

10 Music Apps that Don’t Use your Wi-Fi
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10 Music Apps that Don’t Use your Wi-Fi

Are you tired of spending too much of your internet just in listening to some of your heart driving songs? Fret not! For all the music lovers out there, here is some good news for you all. This article brings you the top ten music apps that don’t demand your Wi-Fi. Music that not only…