Top 10*Best Nintendo 3DS (NES) Emulators For Android, Windows PC
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Top 10*Best Nintendo 3DS (NES) Emulators For Android, Windows PC

It’s no secret that mobile gaming is becoming more and more popular every year. Just about every mobile device comes with some sort of gaming platform, whether it’s a built-in emulator or a full-fledged game console. But, there are times when playing mobile games just isn’t enough, and you want to take it to the…

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How to Fix “No Video Displayed in VLC Media Player Windows 7

What is VLC Media Player? VLC Media Player which is developed by VideoLAN project is a free and open source portable cross-platform media player software. VLC supports many video and audio compression methods. DVD-video, video CD and streaming protocols are also supported by VLC. VLC is available for desktop operating systems and mobile platforms like…

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How to Play Blu-Ray Disc on VLC Media Player?

What is Blu-ray disc? Blu-ray disc which is a digital optical disc is used to store data. It is used to supersede the DVD format. It is designed to store several hours of video in high-definition (HDTV 720p and 1080p) and ultra-high-definition resolution (2160p). Blu-ray is a medium for video material like feature films and…

Linux Mint vs Ubuntu in 2019: Which One is the Winner?

Linux Mint vs Ubuntu in 2019: Which One is the Winner?

Hello, folks! So, we are right here off with a new topic. Today we are going to discuss two of the most famous Linux distributions. If you are at least a bit familiar with Linux; you must have come across these names. Didn’t you? Well, I’m sure you did. So, why actually they are often…