How to fix “DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET Chrome Error” ?

Today I have concocted potential solutions to fix the issue of DNS_Probe_Finished_No_Internet on Google Chrome. It is safe to say that you are utilizing your Google Chrome and continue getting the error DNS_Probe_Finished_No_Internet? Even though your internet connection is strong? Be have confidence, there is are loads of ways you can fix it. The error…

How to Fix “We Can’t Find Your Camera 0×a00f4244 Error”?

How to Fix “We Can’t Find Your Camera 0×a00f4244 Error”?

When you open the in-built camera app in Window, it may show you this error message “We can’t find your camera”. Check to be sure it’s connected and installed correctly, that it isn’t blocked by antivirus software and that your camera drivers are up to date” with the error code 0xA00F4244. Here in this article,…


How to Fix “Cortana Not Working in Windows “?

Cortana is developed by Microsoft majorly for Windows 10 which is a virtual speech assistant. It is also compatible with other Operating systems such as iOS, Android as well as Amazon Alexa. It is developed to create replacement of giving instructions through keyboard always. Therefore, Cortana is created which taken input instruction in the form…

How to Fix “Apple Itunes Won’t Open in Windows 10”

iTunes is majorly a media library, media player, Internet radio broadcaster, mobile device management utility and the client application for iTunes store which is developed by one and only Apple Inc. The main purpose of Apple iTunes is to provide a platform which can be used for purchasing, playing and downloading multimedia, along with it…

How to Fix Potential Windows Database Error Detected?

How to Fix Potential Windows Database Error Detected?

You may detect the error message “potential Windows update database error” when trying to repair your Windows 10 update feature. This can be resolved by implementing the following steps for the “potential error found in the Windows update server” problem and returning to your usual use of Windows 10. The “potential error found in the…

How to fix YouTube Video Loading but Not Playing?

We all love to use and watch videos on YouTube. There are in-numerous numbers of videos available on YouTube. These videos come up on your screen according to your view list or recommendation list. YouTube comes up with a high profile Artificial Intelligence system, which stores the data from your watch list, and the kinds…