How to Fix Disable Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry?
Microsoft compatibility telemetry is a harmless process that runs as compattelrunner. The executive file collects and regularly sends usage and performance data to microsoft. The best option that is available to you is to disable the process without just deleting it completely from your device. If disabling is not possible then simply try to halt the right-click on compattelrunner. Exe file and open properties once again. A new window will then open, offering authorization suggestions. . …
Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry is a harmless process that runs as CompatTelRunner.exe to gather and direct practice and performance data to Microsoft.
Some Windows users discover it causing High CPU or disk usage and then worry about its safety or discussion whether it is worth disabling it. In this report, we will cover all the universal fallacies about this procedure.
CompatTelRunner.exe name stands for Compatibility Telemetry Runner and it is known as Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser. The executive file gathers and regularly sends usage and performance data to Microsoft in order to analyse user knowledge and recover it.
The designated file also helps Microsoft to classify compatibility issues and ensure compatibility when installing the latest Windows OS version. Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry does so by scanning computer files and check their compatibility with Windows 10 in any situation an update commences.
This file was first introduced to user of Windows 7 and 8.1 with Windows KB2977759 update. The executable files were enabled to run by default; however, the user can block CompatTelRunner on Windows 7, 8 or 10 at any point of time.
The file characteristically lies in C:\Windows\System32 folder and is digitally signed. In addition, the file owner is Trusted Installer. Efforts to adjust it will most likely result in “Access is denied” error because it is a “read only” file. To bypass such limitation, you will need to take possession of the process.
Additional method that does not include deletion of the file is incapacitating Scheduled Tasks that are accountable for Telemetry Runner launch.
Reason to Turn off Windows Telemetry Services
We all are concerned about our privacies and Microsoft provides you the top best security by providing you a four layered or stages of data collection diagnostic i.e. Security, Basic, Enhanced and Full.
Each of these stages are well structured to maintain top class security for your data, whereas you can also deprive Microsoft from using your data collection.
You can easily incapacitate these tracking services from your device if you find it uncomfortable and unreliable to deal with.
NOTE: Always keep in mind that all your data are a part of Windows operating system and it is digitally monitored. Therefore, it is my advice to warm you that it is not safe to remove digitally operating system files from your device because it might cause malfunctioning of your device.
The best option that is available to you is to disable the process without just deleting it completely from your device.
Even if disabling is not possible then simply try to halt the process by following the short step.
First open Task Manager from Windows, then right click on CompatTelRunner.exe, and End the task directly; your Windows Telemetry Services will automatically stop.
Disable Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry in Windows
Method 1: Disable Compattelrunner.Exe via Task Scheduler
One of the coolest ways to solve Telemetry Runner problematic is to incapacitate it without deleting it. Follow the easy steps given below to stop CompatTelRunner.exe in Windows 7, 8 or 10. The steps are easy try it once or twice and I am damn sure you will master in it.
- Launch Run window by pressing down Windows key and R letter on your keyboard at the same time.
- Type taskschd.msc and hit Enter button or OK button.
- Now, enlarge the folders in the given instruction – Task Scheduler Library -> Microsoft -> Windows -> Application Experience. Find a task named Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser and then right-click. Select Disable option.
Method 2: Delete CompatTelRunner.Exe After You Take Ownership of It
The following technique requires having the Administrator freedoms on the computer.
So before you commence, log into your computer using Administrator’s account (whichever account has admin’s rights).
The given technique defines how to remove only the Compatibility Telemetry Runner file, not the entire KB2977759 update.
Eliminating the whole update can muddle up the schedule of Windows updates, so we do not endorse doing so.
Let us go through the steps; these steps are super easy to work with.
Just go through it once and you will love it.
- Open your Windows search option and type CompatTelRunner, and then click the Right button on your mouse to select the option Open File Location.
- Alternatively, you can just go to C drive disk, then to Windows folder, and then to System32/System64 folder. An even easier technique is to open Run (Windows key + R), type C:\Windows\System32 and press Enter. In the System32/System64 folder, we will get the file called CompatTelRunner.exe.
- Right-click on the file and choose Properties option. Go to the Security tab and select Advanced button here.
- Open Owner tab and click on Change option. Then choose Advanced. Then click Find Now.
- You would be asked to select an account from a list of owners. Select the account you are using now and click the OK button. Then close all the tabs by clicking OK.
- After altering the owner file, you have to modify the permissions for the file. Right-click on CompatTelRunner.exe file and open Properties once again. Navigate to Security tab -> Advanced -> Select User from a list -> Edit.
- A new window will then open, offering authorization suggestions. Look for Allow column and select Full Control. Click OK, and Then Apply and OK. Click Yes to confirm your choice.
- Now that you have full access of the file right-click on the file and Delete it.
Method 3: Disable Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry by Group Policy Editor
- Press Windows key + R to launch Run cmd prompt and type gpedit.msc, and then press OK.
- Now, enlarge the folders in the given order Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Data Collection and Preview Builds.
- Double-click on Allow Telemetry and select Disabled option in a new window that appears and Click Apply and OK.
In addition to this, some users complained online about compattelrunner.exe with error like error 0x8024002e.
In you are dealing with this Windows update error; ponder reading more about available 0x8024002e fixes.
Well with this, we conclude our article. Hope you enjoyed it.

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