World of Warcraft: Heroes We Definitely Can’t Forget
World of Warcraft is a game loved by millions of people around the world.
For what? For a bright picture, which, although outdated over the years, does not cause any rejection and allows even beginners to easily get acquainted with the game. For amazing, epic music which accompanies you in every battle.
And of course, gamers adore World of Warcraft for its legendary and lively characters, whose fate you worry about even today. Many of them are remembered by us for their history.
Others became legendary because they were too hard to beat. After all, many bosses in Warcraft are so strong that only professional players can easily defeat them.
For an easier victory, you need to use all your skills, good equipment, as well as a lot of in-game gold. Gold can be farmed, but it is much easier to buy wow wotlk gold through boosting services. This is a legal service that will help you advance in the game much faster and have fun without hours of farming.
In this article, we will talk about the six strongest heroes in Azeroth.
Lei Shen
Lei Shen is a very interesting character with a curious story. He managed to enslave the Guardian of the Titans, Ra-den, and appropriate his power. It was Ra-den who imprisoned Ragnaros and other elemental lords in his time, so it was certainly not easy to subdue him. And Lei Shen managed to defeat one of the Celestials, Xu’en, who was present at the defeat of Ragnaros in the Fiery Expanses. Later, Lei Shen tried to conquer all of Pandaria, and then just died of old age, but the trolls revived him. That is why we have the opportunity to fight him in the Throne of Thunderstorms. During his lifetime, Lei Shen was not inferior to anyone, and after his resurrection, he probably retained his strength.
Not much is known about Elune – first of all, she is the only existing deity of Azeroth. She grants Light magic to night elves and, most likely, blood elves and Draenei.
There is also a theory among the players that Elune may be one of the Naaru because the Draenei Light borrowed from the Naaru is very similar to the Light of Elune. The Naaru themselves are very strong, but almost nothing is known about them… except that they are wildly strange. They can see the future, but they still often fall into traps and die. Probably, they think that their death can affect something. Because of this feature, it sometimes seems that the Naaru are not too strong, but for the reasons we have just described, it is not possible to find out the truth. So let’s leave Naara alone and get back to Elune. Personally, it seems that she’s just some kind of mutated elf… or loa (well, you know, these troll deities). In any case, Elune occupies a very high position on our list. We don’t understand how to compare her with all the other heroes, so let her be listed as number 2 for now.
Queen Azshara
Queen Azshara was the most powerful mortal magician of all time, acquired immortality, and could compete with Archimonde or Sargeras if she hadn’t turned into a naga. After the War of the Ancients, when the continent split into pieces, Azshara and her subjects sank to the bottom of the ocean. Enlisting the support of the Ancient gods, the queen herself became a demigod, but since then little has been heard about her. Since the hero’s strength is determined by his deeds, it is difficult to say how strong Azshara is now. We have to judge it by the events of the War of the Ancients.
Can she defeat Medivh or Eluna? A controversial issue. It will be possible to find out for sure only if the developers ever add Azshara to the game. There was a small moment with Mannorot described in the novel “The War of the Ancients”. The ruler of the underworld wanted to kill the elf, but he felt a huge power in her, comparable to the strength of his masters, and changed his mind. The Rise of Azshara was one of the most anticipated content updates.
Kil’jaeden or Archimonde?
We included two characters on this line at once because they are not very different from each other. Both of them lead the armies of the Burning Legion and carry out the orders of Sargeras. Perhaps Kil’jaeden will still be stronger than Archimonde. Hardly anyone would argue with the fact that these two are inferior in strength only to the Ancient gods and Titans! By the way, Kil’jaeden created the Lich King, and Archimonde broke Malorn’s neck with one hand. Ah, yes… Malorn was one of the Ancients, a defender of nature, the husband of Elune, and the father of Cenarius, the ancestor of all the druids of Azeroth. Archimonde killed one of the Ancients. In the battle at the Sunwell, players, dealing with Kil’jaeden, expel him from their world through the portal, because it is impossible to kill such a strong opponent! And so he returns to us with renewed strength in the Legion.
Aegwynn is generally considered the strongest Guardian of Tirisfal. The keepers were invariably the most powerful magicians of their time, so Aegwynn was indeed the best of the best. She dealt with the Avatar of Sargeras and sealed the remains in a tomb in the middle of the ocean, thereby laying the foundation for the entire Legion expansion. Magic allowed Aegwynn to live for several hundred years and give birth to an even more powerful successor who was to succeed her as Guardian.
You can dive into an adventure with each of these heroes in World of Warcraft. If you want something new, then you can try the new wow addon – Dragonflight.

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