Let’s figure out what is Microsoft Azure?
The cloud platform Microsoft Azure is a development of the American company Microsoft.
The service makes it possible to create applications, store data on the servers of the global network of data centers of the corporation and its partners.
The platform can also be applied in the IT infrastructure and profitably use the available computing power for your projects.
It is a cloud computing service for developing, mаnаging, dеplоying, аnd tеstіng аpplіcatiоns аnd sеrvicеs. It uses clоud paradigms such аs plаtfоrm-аs-а-sеrvice (PааS) and іnfrаstructure-аs-a-sеrvice (IaaS). As a software аs a sеrvice(SaaS) paradigm, yоu may employ both third-party and Microsoft services.
Initially, the American corporation Microsoft focused on PaaS services for Azure and they focused on the existing developer base that use Microsoft technologies. But it wasn’t long before Microsoft expanded its focus to both Linux services and IaaS. The American corporation tried to make Azure more and more comfortable, as a result of which API support for various services appeared.
Almost all Microsoft Azure services these days have an API built around the constraints for distributed REST systems, allowing developers to use cloud services from any OS, device, and platform.
The fundamental principle of Azure is to deploy a remote virtual machine (VM) for each type of application or service. At the same time, the client independently decides how much data storage and computing power he needs to solve corporate problems, and then connects to the platform. Using Azure, you can easily set up a Windows or Linux VM that can host whatever software you want. For example, a VM can host a Windows or Linux desktop in the cloud and connect to it remotely. Learn more about Azure Windows VM i.e. Azure Virtual Desktop from Apps4Rent.
The platform’s service delivery model is very user-friendly, since the initial amount of resources consumed in the process of completing a task can decrease, as a result, you can save on payment for the resources used. Thus, thanks to Microsoft Azure, when working with “big data”, now you do not need to buy expensive equipment, bear the costs of its licensing and physical expansion of the server. Interested in Azure? Do you have questions or problems that need to be resolved? Try to resort to Microsoft Azure consulting.
Microsoft Azure as PaaS
Platform as a Service (PaaS – Platform as a Service) is a cloud computing delivery model in which the consumer gains access to the use of information technology platforms: OS, DBMS, middleware, development and testing tools hosted by a cloud provider. PaaS is extremely useful for streamlining workflows, for example when multiple developers are working on the same project.
Perhaps the main advantage of PaaS will be that the user does not need to worry about operating the OS or updates, as well as about hardware updates. It is on the shoulders of the provider that it is entrusted to take care of the timely update of your OS, platform functions, for example, the basic .NET platform or thе SQL dаtаbase core, and also, upon request, it carries out equipment updates in accordance wіth thе company’s requirements. Thе custоmer may concentrate on building apps instead of worrying about hardware and іnfrastruсture. As а result, yоu purchаsе rеsоurces frоm а prоvider, pay for them аs you gо, and connect to thеm оver a sеcurе Internet connection.
Please note that only the provider can manage the cloud platform. In this connection, choose a company that has established itself as a reliable provider of services and IT technologies on cloud platforms.
Microsoft Azure as IaaS
The infrastructure provisioning model IaaS allows you to lease a variety of resources such as virtual servers, storage and network equipment.
You receive all the advantages of a highly available, scalable, and secure cloud infrastructure with Azure IaaS, but you only pay for the resources you need to suit your company’s business needs. As a result, Azure IaaS will enable your business to:
- have full control over applications and infrastructure, as well as adapt VMs to company requests and business projects;
- optimize the resources used;
- improve the safety and security of corporate data;
- work efficiently with combined security and management capabilities;
- reduce or expand the amount of consumed resources, if necessary;
- save money by migrating to the cloud and getting more income from the funds already invested.
Microsoft Azure: Key Business Benefits
Experts highlight several advantages of Microsoft Azure technology:
- Flexible tariffication model and savings on payment for services.
- Cybersecurity professionals offer comprehensive cloud protection.
- High level of confidentiality.
- Daily threat alert monitoring.
- You can use open source code to create the required applications.
- No scaling limits.
- The ability to integrate and manage your environment.
- High-speed connections for reliable data transmission on the network.
- Excellent consistency between databases and shared code bases.

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